Below you will find pages in the category of “QR codes”
5 Ways B&Bs Can Use QR Codes
This week’s post is a guest post from David Mitchell. David is the founder of– a website dedicated to B&B owners and Inn Keepers serious about ‘getting more beds filled’ and ‘making more money’ through effective marketing on the internet. For those seeking ‘how to’ information on QR codes, you may want to look at our article on getting started with QR codes.
B&B marketing can be quite a challenge as the competition is always tight no matter what star rating a B&B has or in what country it’s located.
How to Create and Use QR Codes
The basics of creating and using QR codes One reason most articles don’t really explain how to make your own QR codes, and how to use them, is that it is a very easy process. There, no need to feel intimidated! Try it yourself if you have a smartphone or other mobile device with a camera. Just activate your Bar Code Reader app, and point your device at the QR code in this article, and see what happens (you may have to download a Barcode Reader app, if you don’t already have one).